
In today’s society and our common future, we need to become better at making use of the products that are created, the raw materials that are used, and the energy that is consumed.

To be able to do this in an effective way, we need to have a deeper knowledge of our products and their origin.

Substances that are produced and processed in a way that negatively affects us and our environment need to be removed from circulation.

Transportation routes need to be optimized.

In today’s society, it is difficult for many types of companies to have knowledge of the origin and the composition of their products and through that knowledge being able to make good choices.

We intend to change that.


By creating a tool adapted to minimize the difficulties of collaboration throughout the supply chain, regardless of which platforms are used, we create a data flow that follows the goods all the way to the end customer and the recycling facility.

Our goal is that the information needed to handle the product optimally in all its phases should be available when it is needed, by whoever needs it.

Creation – Transportation – Usage – Recycling

Contact us for more information